world is beautiful . net
world is beautiful . net

World is Beautiful

Mitchell Falls (Australia)
Photograph of the week by Marian Pollock (Weiler)   -   Published on 8 december 2014
Contact Information Observation
Taken with a Nikon 1V3 - It is in a remote place and is quite difficult to access. Situated hundreds of kilometres from the nearest settlement by 4WD and then several hours to reach it by foot, climbing over rocks and boulders. The falls swell in the wet season, making them invisible due to the hight of the river. License and use of photography
All photographs hosted on servers are copyright by the original authors of that content. It is licensed only for personal use on computers, cellular phones, and other personal electronic devices. All other uses (whether or not for profit) including redistribution (with or without modification of the original work) is strictly prohibited by law without additional written permission by the copyright holder.
Wildlife of the month
You travel around the world in search of something and you come home to find it. George Moore